
See the Four-Headed Monster! and understand what it really means.

Ok, here it is:
What it means is very simple, and yet profound:

➤ This diagram shows us that for every unit of energy used by us in the enjoyment of our homes, appliances, entertainment, etc., about three units of "embodied energy" are needed to make and distribute those items, before we even get a chance to enjoy them.

➤ It is not possible for us to even have "energy saving" appliances, "smart" homes and "eco"vehicles without the prior existence of all those energy-hungry, pollution-emitting factories, power plants, and mines (all run by greedy capitalists, of course)
We must stop thinking in terms of personal energy use or carbon footprint, and start thinking in terms of our total energy responsibility.

➤ Our total energy responsibility is several times greater than we have been led to believe, so using a "carbon footprint" calculator to figure our "environmental impact" is like trying to estimate the mass of an elephant by weighing the tip of its tail. If we dare include the embodied energy of imported goods, our global energy responsibility is even higher.

➤ Even if our car seems to be large part of our "carbon footprint" it is really just a small slice of the transportation energy "head" of the monster.

➤ If every single household in America pulled their electric meter, shut off the gas, parked their car, and sat quietly in the dark...our total energy use would only drop about 25 percent.
So why are those greedy capitalists so intent on destroying the environment? Why doesn't SOMEBODY STOP THEM? Who's keeping those greedy capitalists in business anyway? Is it Big Oil? Big Coal? The Republicans? Sadly, No.

WE ARE, every time we purchase one of those new "energy efficient" products. Without our perpetual consumption of consumer goods, those energy-hungry, pollution-spewing, greedy-capitalist factories would cease to exist.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us"

- Pogo the Possum (As told to us by Walt Kelly)

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