If you take away nothing else form this blog, take this:
Every single aspect of our modern industrial society is connected with, and wholly dependent upon every other part of the "system", which only exists because of the fossil fuels that made it possible.
Let's let this sink in a second.
In order to have manufactured "things" it is necessary to have factories. In order for factories to produce anything they must have machinery, raw materials,"electricity", fuel, etc.
None of these things can come into being at all, without the roughly three million pounds of non-renewable minerals we dig from the ground for every American born. mineral-baby
Continuous mining is the very foundation of every part of a technological society. Even so-called "renewables" like solar panels and wind generators are made directly from coal and oil, just like everything else. There's no such thing as "clean, carbon-free" technology.
In order to have any technology, we must first have industry, along with the pollution and resource depletion it causes.
The total interdependence of all the world's mineral-based industries means that every thing we do not make with our own hands, from whatever grows in our own backyards, is in fact the end-product of all the world's industries, combined.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
This total interdependence also means that no "new" technology can even exist, or stand in isolation from the others. Solar PV, windmills—even nuclear power—every so-called new technology, no matter how shiny or "clean" it may appear to be, is in fact the end-product of all the world's "dirty" industries, combined. And none of it lasts forever.
Sure, sunlight and wind are "free" and "renewable" sources of energy. But solar PV modules and windmills are neither. They are not sources of energy at all. And they don't grow back by themselves.
In fact, every bit of every modern technology comes from a deep hole in the ground. And every hole has a bottom.
EARTH FIRST! We'll mine the other planets later! 😂 Bwahaha! Haha... Ha…
Wait… what have we done?
Let this sink in:
Every single "thing" we don't make ourselves with our own hands is in fact the end-product of all of the industries in the entire world combined.
Solar PV, windmills—even nuclear power—every so-called new technology, no matter how shiny or "clean" it may appear to be, is in fact the end-product of all the world's "dirty" industries, combined. And none of it lasts forever.
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